Consultation Meeting, Screening & Assessment Fees
Initial meeting and consultation prior to diagnostic assessment for dyslexia = £50.00 per hour.
I now charge for the initial meeting and consultation, as sometimes I have sat with parents for nearly two hours, but the visit usually takes one hour.
I make careful notes and gather background information, and I like to talk to the child themselves to get their perspective on their strengths and challenges in learning.
Full dyslexia screener £65.00
The full screener is not an online one, as it is best to have a human rather than a robot to screen, and one that requires me to be with you or your child which can take over an hour (with breaks if required). The screener will identify areas of difficulty in literacy learning and include the following:
Reading Speed
Phoneme Deletion
Nonword Reading
Naming Speed
Rate of Writing
Recall of Digits Forwards
Recall of Digits Backwards
Single Word Reading
Single Word Spelling
Please note: the screener does not identify whether a child or adult has dyslexia! This can only be achieved by carrying out a full diagnostic assessment. The screener can, however, give indications as to the reason why you or your child is struggling in a certain area, such as speed of processing, for example.
Full Diagnostic Assessment £550.00
An assessment is carried out to identify whether a child or an adult has a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) such as dyslexia.
The full fee of £550 must be paid on the morning of the assessment, please.
An assessment uses a range of testing materials to probe various areas to help identify aspects of learning which are difficult for a child or an adult.
The testing materials used depend on the background information provided by the adult or parent of a child.
The assessment itself can take up to four hours or longer, depending on whether the individual requires frequent breaks, and the range of test resources used. Breaks will be offered to rest the brain, refocus the brain, have refreshments and to get fresh air.
The written report can take many hours to complete as it has to be absolutely accurate and thorough, and meet specific professional guidelines (SASC: The SpLD Assessment Standards Committee), and can be up to 30 pages in length.
I am able to conduct full diagnostic assessments to diagnose dyslexia in children and adults.
If your child is applying to go to university, my report cannot (currently) be used when applying for Disability Student Allowance as I am renewing my Assessment Practising Certificate; a separate assessment by an assessor with a current Assessment Practising Certificate will have to be conducted a year before going to university in order to get funding agreed and in place for support from tutors and/or additional resources.
I am currently in the process of renewing my Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) which specialist teachers have to do every 3 years.
I also offer training to schools, organisations and parent groups so that they are better informed about how to support children within a classroom setting or at home.
My fee will be based upon the amount of work required and will be discussed with the organisation.
Please use the Contact Me form or email me directly on and I would be delighted to answer any of your questions.
I am a member of the Dyslexia Guild, and Patoss (Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties).