​Hello and Welcome!
My name is Anne Elizabeth Unger and in this website you will find information relating to my teaching practice and the methods I use to help children and adults with a range of learning difficulties and differences.
Specialist Practice
I am a Specialist Teacher and Assessor (to diagnose dyslexia) and have worked as a College Lecturer, Specific Learning Difficulties Advisor, Support Tutor, Specialist Study Support Tutor (to college and university students) for 20 years, and a Private Tutor. I am also qualified to carry out assessments for Exam Access Arrangements for extra time and other accommodations. You can find out more about me in the About Me & My Strategies page.
My Services
Under Services and Fees you will see that I offer Specialist Training on Specific Learning Difficulties (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia), Autism with Co-morbid/Co-occurring Learning Difficulties and Special Educational Needs and Disability. If you know of an organisation or school who would really benefit from some training please get in contact with me using the Contact form, or email me directly on anneunger32@gmail.com.
Additional Info
I have included some really useful information and links under Useful Info & Links and will add to them when I come across some other information, organisations and resources. So, if you have any to share, please do so and I'll upload them for others to view.
Thank you so much!