Anne Elizabeth Unger
dyslexia advisor & assessor Bedford
Let's get to the bottom of why your child struggles in class!
Specialist Teacher, Advisor, Assessor for Dyslexia and Exam Access Arrangements
to children & adults
Over 20 years experience in colleges, schools, alternative provision and private tutoring.
I am no longer offering private tuition, as I do not have capacity to take on more clients for which I apologise. There just aren't enough hours in the day!
I am still taking referrals for dyslexia assessments.

Specific Learning Difficulties/Differences
In this website you will find information on dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, ADHD, co-occurring conditions, memory and learning, multisensory methods in teaching/learning, executive functioning, Strategies to Support Learning, visual difficulties, Services & Fees, Useful Info & Links, my Shop in which I've added some great books and resources, Qualifications and Testimonials.

Contact Me
You can email me at the following address if you want to discuss any concerns, have a general query about specific learning difficulties, or would like further information about an assessment for dyslexia.